Q and A + Topics

How do I request a renewal for ILL material?

  • You can request a renewal through your Illiad account within 5 days of the due date.
  • Items marked "No" under "Renewals Allowed" on the pink band cannot be renewed.
  • Items very overdue cannot be renewed.
  • Items which have been renewed usually cannot be renewed again. Contact the ILL Office for exceptions.
  • Items cannot be renewed online through your regular library account, you must do this by logging into Illiad.

Once you are in Illiad, do the following to request a renewal:

  • Scroll down to your Checked Out Items.
  • Next to the item you want to renew, click on the Actions drop-down and select Renew.
  • For the book that you want to renew, click Actions and select Renew.
  • If you have any issues where you cannot renew an item in ILLiad, you can always send us an e-mail asking for a renewal and we will place one for you.
  • Contact the ILL Office with any questions if you are uncertain about the renewal status of an item.