Q and A + Topics
What do I need to know about searching journals at UVM Libraries?
Does UVM own the print or electronic version of a journal article?
We own some print journals, some e-journals, and some journals that span both formats. Use CATQuest, our library catalog to understand how to best access a journal or an article that you're looking for. Be sure to check the date ranges of what we have available./
How do I get the full text of an online journal article?
If we have the article, there are a variety of places you could start to find the full text.
- CATQuest
- Our journals list
- Our research databases list
- Browzine, an alternate interface for our journal collection
- LibKey Nomad, a browser extension that helps you authenticate to UVM-available resources while browsing the web.
Learn more about off-campus access.
If we don't have the article, request it through interlibrary loan.
What if I'm trying to access a journal article and I'm asked to sign in?
If you are on-campus, you should not be asked to sign in.
If you're off-campus, make sure you've accessed the article through the correct path. Learn more.
If you're still being asked to sign in, report a problem.
Why can't I get full text for a certain article?
Not all journals are available electronically, or we may not subscribe. Submit an interlibrary loan request for things we don't have access to, or a document delivery request for a copy of a print article from our collection.
Why are there sometimes multiple options for full text?
UVM Libraries gets content from a variety of providers. Sometimes there is overlap in those subscriptions- you might be able to get an article from two places. Other times, one provider will have a set of years, while another provider will offer access to a different set of years. Make sure the link you choose in CATQuest contains the year you're looking for.
What if I get an error message like "The limit for concurrent users...has been reached. Please try again later"?
Some of our online journals are available through the Ovid system. We are licensed for only one or two people at a time to view each of these titles.
If someone else is viewing an article in Ovid in the same online journal you want to use and there is only one concurrent user allowed, you will have to wait until that person is finished.
Ovid will log off a user after 15 minutes of activity, but it is courteous to immediately log off of Ovid yourself as soon as you are done with the system.
On the Elsevier Article Locator page, you will have to pick between "Article via ScienceDirect" or "Article via [some other publisher]". Which should you choose?
UVM almost always subscribes to the article via ScienceDirect. In some cases the other option will work, but not always. If you don't want to make this choice again within a specific journal, you can "Update my preferred Elsevier websites" to remember your choice.