Printing and Scanning
Dana Health Sciences Library, Near the Circulation Desk
- Printer/copier - B/W only.
Howe Library, Main Level, Cyber Cafe
- Printer/copiers - The first being B/W only and the one further back is either B/W or color.
- There are two Scanners, which can be used for books or documents and are free of charge.
Silver Special Collections
- Printer/copier
- Scanner, which can be used for books or documents, free of charge.
- Large-format flatbed scanner, free of charge
Microform Scanning Options
Howe Library, 1st floor, Reference Area, Microfilm/Microfiche scanners
Silver Special Collections, Microfilm/Microfiche scanner
Slide and Negative Scanning
The Center for Multimedia Development, on the first floor of The David W. Howe Memorial Library, offers the capability to create scans from slides and negatives, as well as the software to enhance and manipulate those scans.