How can I find an article when I only have a DOI?
The easiest way is to enter the DOI into the Google search box.
A DOI can look many different ways. Here are some examples of how a DOI can look:
- 10.1108/07419050810946169
- 10.1001/jama.297.13.1412
- 10.1016/j.apnr.2006.08.008
Some precautions
- The DOI can be very long. Make sure that you do not mistype the DOI.
- The DOI can include numbers, letters, and punctuation. Make sure that you include all the punctuation.
- Do not confuse DOI with other kinds of IDs like PMID (PubMed ID) or PMCID (PubMed Central ID) or other. Publishers and databases often assign their own IDs in addition to the DOI.
- You must enter the entire DOI. Do not expect to be able to enter part of the DOI and then navigate your way to the right article. It does not work that way. You must have the entire DOI or it will not work.