Q and A + Topics
How can I print from the library computers?
Send a print job
Double-sided printing is the default. Jobs remain in the queue for two hours.
- Choose a printer at Howe Library:
- Cafe-BW-Queue (Black and White jobs)
- Cafe-Color-Queue (Color or black and white jobs)
HTML documents are not supported. To print a web page, find the Print feature in your browser, then choose "Save to PDF." You can then print that PDF.
Other common file formats like .pdf, .docx, .pptx and image files can be printed.
You can also choose to send print jobs via Pharos Print Center as described in How Can I Print from my Laptop or Mobile Device.
Pay for printing
- Print jobs may be paid for with an existing CAT$cratch account.
- Guests can purchase a CAT$cratch card or deposit money onto one, with cash or credit card at one of the kiosks in Howe Library (near the front desk), at the Dana Health Sciences Library (near the back of the library) or online. CAT$cratch cards cost $1.00 and come with $1.00 worth of value.
Pick up your print
The main printers are located in the Cyber Café on the main level of Howe Library, in Dana Health Sciences Library, and Silver Special Collections.
- Printing takes place after release of your job from a Pharos print release station attached to one of the printers.
- Using the card reader located near the printer/copier, swipe or touch your CATcard or phone CATcard, or a CAT$cratch card to view the queued jobs.
- Jobs sent from UVM affiliate/authenticating computers and from the Pharos Print Center will be listed under your UVM NetID or Guest user account.
- Jobs sent from public (stand-up) computer stations will be found listed under the computer name (e.g. USER 102).
- Select your job and hit "print."